Nicely presented, and helpful. I must remind myself of the 'every day' bit.

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When you do it regularly and intentionally, it becomes second nature.

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And because as women we have been placed in continuous and diminished positions, i’ll add

“if you think you are promoting too much, you aren’t, that’s conditioning.”

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That is so true, Michele, and I love that advice. Cheers.

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Really good stuff here, even for folks under 50. Thanks for sharing. I love the part about not being afraid to state strong opinions. It's important to be authentic. That's how you cultivate the right audience for you. It also makes staying consistent with your content creation easier when you are being true to yourself.

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You are so right about being authentic, Christos. It is not about growing the number of followers for its own sake but attracting the right people.

I appreciate your comment.

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Thank you Jerry, these tips are exactly what I needed to read this morning. I appreciate your insight.

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I appreciate your feedback, Eric.

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Great tips. You are right about selling; it's got such a sleazy connotation.

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16Author

You are right, Wendy. It is also about understanding human behavior and psychology. People don't like to be sold to but like to be educated. These simple tips help self-promotion without coming across as too salesy. It is a win-win situation for all.

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